In Memoriam
Celebrating the Life of Dr. Ximena ZateXimena Zate
“…whose elegant presence, warm friendship, passionate dedication are the lyrical verses in our shared poem.”
Dr. Ximena E. Zate was born in Chile and educated there. She graduated with a BA in the NYC school system and continued her education in local institutions of higher education. She received her Ph. D. in Reading, Language and Cognition, with specialization in Bilingual/ESL Education from Hofstra University.
Dr. Ximena E. Zate served as Program Administrator and Director of the Bilingual/ESL Technical Assistance Center (BETAC) in Eastern Suffolk BOCES on Long Island, where she provided educational services for English language learners and English as a Second Language/Bilingual teachers and district administrators in Suffolk County. Dr. Zate coordinated the publication for and was the lead writer of several New York State Education Department (NYSED) documents, resource and training guides addressing the education of culturally and linguistically diverse students in New York State, such as: The Teaching of Language Arts to Limited English Proficient/English Language Learners: A Resource Guide for all Teachers, The Learning Standards for Native Language Arts, The Guidelines Document on Implementing NCLB Reading First Program with LEP/ELLs in New York State and The Guidelines for the Education of Caribbean Creole Speaking Students in New York State.
After her retirement from the NYS Education Department, Dr. Zate became Director of the Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) Teacher Education Program at Stony Brook University. She taught the TESOL Pedagogical Sequence courses and she also was the TESOL certification undergraduate and graduate program advisor.
Her vast experience as a Bilingual and English as a Second Language teacher, staff developer, curriculum writer, evaluator, administrator, university professor and active member of educational and professional organizations gave her the opportunity to contribute in many ways toward the improvement of the education of culturally and linguistically diverse students in New York State. She was an active member of many associations and served as president of NYSABE (New York State Association for Bilingual Education) and LIASCD (Long Island Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development). She was awarded the Outstanding Hispanic Woman Award by the Latino Children Educational Network (ENLACE). She was recipient of the Leadership Award as an outstanding Hispanic educator by ADELANTE of Suffolk County and was selected Administrator of the Year by Eastern Suffolk BOCES.
Dr. Zate’s passing is a great loss for the field of Bilingual/ESL education and is deeply felt by all whose lives she has touched.