NYSABE Telephone Advocacy Day: Monday, March 26, 2018
Dear NYSABE Members and Friends,
It was a pleasure seeing many of you at our recent annual conference and spending time in fellowship and collegiality. We missed those of you who were unable to join us this year. One message that came through loud and clear was the need to advocate for and support the New York State budget request for ELLs/MLLs. We decided that we would have a “Telephone Advocacy” day in which all our members and other interested parties would call their state senators and assembly-persons to express their support. We want to flood the phone lines with calls!
Here is a sample script for the call:
Hello, I am _______________________(state your name), a ___________________(name your role). I work in ____________(state your school & district, or other affiliation). I am calling Senator/Assemblyman/woman ______________________ to express my support of the Regent’s budget request for $100 million dollars to fund the education of English language learners/multilingual learners in New York State as well as other items that support ELLs in the budget request. This funding is essential to their success, and we know that when we raise achievement for our multilingual learners, we raise the achievement of all students. Please ensure that this critical funding is included in Governor Cuomo’s budget.
They may ask for your address, phone number, and/or other identifying information.
To find the contact numbers for your state representatives, visit these two websites:
Best regards,
President Iraida Bodre and the NYSABE Advocacy Committee